Wow Court! I love how you eloquently described the parts of your body we often ruminate about transforming. I really love the idea of going alone to such critical moments like this, because sometimes we unconsciously allow others opinions to linger. I wouldn’t want someone’s unsolicited comment to bark at me while I’m walking down the aisle to someone who sees and adores me wholly.

I shed a tear girl for this post and will start to check myself a little more about loving on my body, because hell we only get one. Enjoy this new journey and I can’t wait to hear more about finding YOUR perfect dress. XOXO

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First of LOVE !!!! Also I agree. Chose your mind over others. I never wanted to go with a group of people and do such a thing. It had nothing to do with my weight I just like to go my own way. So i have ordered what I wanted and ill chose from there. I cant wait to see which you choose! We deserve happiness and its never in a box. we also have to check in with us because why break ourselves in such a process that is supposed to be joyful.

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Absolutely love that you chose yourself and your peace of mind. Moments like picking your wedding dress are precious, you can never redo them and the choice of silence was perfect.

People often think repeating their comments means they are encouraging us. At no point do they think we are happy, comfortable or god forbid, fit in our bodies. Nothings exhausts me more!

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